Elvis at the Movies

Facebook LIVE continues to be the perfect way for JEP to connect with ALL of his fans, no matter where they are…live from his living room to yours!

Below you will find PayPal buttons where you can purchase your ticket or combo package. Or, you can text Diane at (559) 779-9139 to use additional payment methods (like Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, and Apple Pay).


Ticket Price: $10 per person
Your ticket is your access to the private Facebook group that will broadcast this LIVE concert! Once you have purchased a ticket, immediately request admission to the group. We encourage you to get your ticket and join this group early to enjoy the content that will be shared leading up to the concert.

Ticket and Scarf Combo: $25
Ticket AND a scarf personalized to you...PLUS, JEP will actually wear YOUR scarf during the show and mention you by NAME! SCARF COLORS: red, hot pink, light pink, orange, yellow, white, royal blue, light blue, turquoise, kelly green, and lavender. All scarves will be mailed out by Thursday, April 17.

Scarf Color

Ticket, Scarf, and Song Request Package: $35
Includes ticket, scarf, and one song request. There are a limited number of requests available and they sell out FAST! JEP will dedicate the song to YOU when he does your request during the show! There are a limited number of requests available and they sell out FAST (because of the theme, requests need to be from Elvis’ movie soundtracks)! JEP will dedicate the song to YOU when he does your request during the show! (Each song can only be requested by one person, if you request a song that has already been chosen Diane will let you pick another.)
(See scarf color choices above.)
Scarf Color
Movie Song Request

Have questions about getting on Facebook or want to know about other payment methods? Diane will be available by text (or email at king.productions@comcast.net) to arrange the best way to help you out. We'll see you on Tuesday, April 15 at 7:00 PM (Pacific Time)!

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